Converting to human readable CSV

Upload your data files here. They will then be converted into a human readable spread sheet.

You must upload four files:

  1. CMEXE.EXE - this contains all data mappings that you can use such as names
  2. FOREIGN.DAT - this is the foreign player list
  3. LEAGUE.DAT - this is the domestic player list
  4. TEAM.DAT - this is team information

This will generate four CSV spreadsheet files, three corresponding to the uploaded .DAT files and the final one detailing the available clubs, grounds, nationalities and names. This one cannot currently be re-uploaded.

You can then use any standard spreadsheet program such as Excel, Numbers, OpenOffice Calc or even a simple text editor, however be aware that some of the programs will attempt to convert the CSV into a format they prefer - so don't allow that option.

The generated CSV files will be saved in your default downloads folder.

Make any changes you require, but be careful of using anything, such as names, that are not in the CMEXE.EXE as this will result in a failure when converting your CSV files back again. CMEXE.EXE editing is currently not supported

You will need to select multiple files to upload - use the Ctrl button to click on multiple files (or command button on Mac)